Nightwork with the Kenco Barrier Lift

The practice of conducting road construction during the night helps prevent worker and commuter accidents.

Testimonial on Mechanical Pipe Hook

Elliptical and round concrete sewer pipe can be unloading, installed and removed with a Kenco Pipe Hook.

National Memorial Cemetery – Phoenix, Arizona

The ML8K10T68 Multilift with standoffs is shown here installing 1,800 lb solid stone Columbarium caps during Phase 3…

Renovation at Governor’s Mansion

A $1.9 million courtyard redesign project is in the final stages at Pennsylvania’s Governor’s Mansion, Harrisburg, PA.

J&N Testimonial of the Kenco Barrier Lift

Kenco is still accepting video and photo submissions for marketing purposes. Learn More…

KL16K4T12 for T-Wall

T-Wall is a gravity retaining wall system that uses precast concrete units with backfill. Lifting this wall is easy…

Tips and Tricks Using the Kenco Slab Crab

There are a multitude of ways to increase speed and efficiency when using the Slab Crab. These tips come from many, many years of experience.

Florida’s Portable Temporary Low Profile Barrier Lifter

Custom built Florida Low Profile Wall lifter is now a common purchase among Florida residents.

Visit Kenco at the 2022 Precast Show

Save time and money with Kenco Lifting Attachments. Let us show you how!

Self Leveling Pipe Hook Cylinder Replacement

The PH3500 and PH9000 Self Leveling Pipe Hooks use a cylinder that can drain over time. A new one should be purchase direct from Kenco.