Blog articles relating to the heavy construction industry

Patching Roadways with the Kenco Slab Crab

In a perfect world a roadway would never need repair. It would withstand all elements including mother nature and the wrath of daily vehicular slaughter. However, a short drive down nearly any interstate will prove this is simply not the case. Orange cones and construction sites are a common sight and rightfully so. To put it in perspective, the Pennsylvania Turnpike feels the impact of at least 500,000 vehicles per day. That’s over 3.5 million vehicles per week! With today’s heavier freight loads and the increasing number of drivers on the road, imagine the wear and tear our roadway system sees every year.

With this type of abuse, comes the need for repairs with the safety of all travelers being the utmost concern. A very common practice to fix large cracks, holes, or structurally failing roadways is to patch them. Patching first requires the removal of the concrete surface down to the subbase. The damaged section of concrete will first be saw cut into a manageable size. Then a hammer is often used to break apart these slabs into smaller pieces. After switching out machines or construction attachments, a bucket removes the rubble. This process requires strenuous hours and additional time to repair the disturbed subbase misplaced by the digging action of the bucket.  

So the question is – could there be a concrete removal machine to keep workers safe, cut down time, and keep the subbase intact? There most certainly is! And the great news is you may already have this tool in your toolbox. What is it? The Kenco Slab Crab of course! You didn’t think this excavator attachment was just for bridge deck removal, did you?

When it comes to assisting in concrete removal for patching of roadways, sidewalks, or even pathways, the Kenco Slab Crab shines in its multi-purpose glory. Just like a typical attachment, it is sized specifically for your machine or quick attach system. However, what makes it entirely different is heavy duty ribbing making it far more rugged than any conventional bucket. The elongated base frame reduces the digging effect on the subbase and allows for the slab to be loaded in a single horizontal movement. The sides are cut deep towards the back of the throat assuring the slab’s width will be fully supported in a cantilever fashion. The bucket teeth of the Kenco slab crab can also be used to provide optimal force to pry the slab up and break it loose if need be. And best of all, the slabs can be loaded onto a truck for easy removal. No rubble or broken concrete to  fuss with.

Click photo to see the video of HRI removing the slabs

Click to see video of HRI removing the slabs

For more information on the Kenco Slab Crab, contact our sales department. Toll free 800-653-6069, Option 1. 

Introducing the Pipe Hook with Box Culvert Wings

Pipe Hook with culvert wings         Pipe hook with wings lifting culvert box       Pipe Hook with culvert wings


The Kenco Pipe Hook was originally designed specifically for the lifting, moving, and setting of concrete pipe and has since become the leader in the pipe-handling market. With such great success, comes a new “addition” that aims to add more versatility for higher productivity on the jobsite.

Currently both round and square box culverts are lifted by connecting and disconnecting a special rigging system or bridle to perform every lift and release sequence. This takes unnecessary time and in the current fast-paced construction field, time means money equating to money lost.

What if there were an easier way? What if one lift could do more than just one job? Now, there is just that. Meet the Kenco Pipe Hook with detachable box concrete culvert pipe lifter wings.

These box culvert wings are designed specifically for the job at hand. They are attached via a keyway system to each side of the hook’s main body. The mechanics of the lift process remain the same as for lifting RCP. The operator approaches the culvert from the side to insert the hook. The wings will help to stabilize and balance the culvert box, assuring that no tilting or twisting occurs during the lift process. Each lift happens in a single smooth motion with the set and release step occurring just as quickly. It’s a safe and efficient way to increase your productivity while saving you from purchasing multiple lifts to do each job individually.

There is no doubt that this ‘dual purpose’ Pipe Hook is going to become the next best “tool in your toolbox”. And if you already have a Pipe Hook, contact us about a weld-on kit so you too can take advantage of this new design improvement. This can be the best investment you’ve made in a long time to make the job go more smoothly.